【学术报告】Functional Programming Languages




The following is the lectures of Guy(Oct28--Nov1,5times):
The main title is:  Functional Programming Languages
with 5 chapters:
1. Basic overview
2. Advanced Features
3. Typical applications
4. Semantics and Typing
5. Realistic implementations

A more detailed table of contents is:

1. Basic overview
1.1 The core functional syntax
1.2 Higher-order functions
1.3 Polymorphism and type synthesis
1.4 Functional data structures
1.5 Basic evaluation principles
1.6 Basic proof principles
1.7 Functional data implementation
1.8 Compromizing with imperative features

2. Advanced features
2.1 Programming units and programming contracts
2.2 The module approach
2.3 The object-oriented approach
2.4 Classes and objects in a functional polymorphic setting

3. Typical applications
3.1 The abstract syntax paradigm
3.2 Concrete syntax tools
3.3 A basic evaluator
3.4 A rewriting evaluator
3.5 A environment-based evaluator
3.6 A typechecker
3.7 A theorem prover

4. Semantics and typing
4.1 The $\lambda$-calculus
4.2 Rewriting strategies in the $\lambda$-calculus
4.3 Translating a functional language into the $\lambda$-calculus 4.4 Rules fo
r call-by-name 4.5 Rules for call-by-value 4.6 The essence of strong typing 4.
7 A polymorphic type system 4.8  Proving the adequacy of a type system

5. Realistic implementations
5.1 From evaluators to compilers
5.2 Compiling closures
5.3  Abstract machines
5.4 Native code compilers
5.5 Proving the correctness of compilers