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1. 窦万春 博士、副教授 bw必威西汉姆联官网
报告题目: E-Science环境下知识协同的关键技术
时间: 5月16日 15:00—16:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
2. Prof. CHUNG, Chi-Kit Ronald 香港中文大学
A binary-light projection mechanism for 3D reconstruction for microscopic device is proposed. Our mechanism consists of only a single light source, allowing a binary pattern to be projected to the measured scene. And a camera is used to capture image of the illuminated scene. With this design, the mechanism has a much reduced system size that makes it suitable for inspection in the sem
iconductor industry. The illuminated pattern is varied by having the binary grating shifted in space, and in every shifting a separate image of the illuminated surface is taken. This way, each position on the surface is attached with a unique string of binary code over the sequence of captured images, allowing exact correspondence between the binary pattern, image data and subsequently
3D determination. We also address how the grating and its spatial shifting, can be designed optimally for minimizing this image number for faster inspection speed.
报告题目: Structured Light-based 3D Reconstruction for Microscopic Device
时间: 5月17日 10:00—11:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
3.郭延文 博士 bw必威西汉姆联官网
Recent Achievements in Real-time Computer Graphics
时间: 5月17日 15:00—16:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
4.申富饶 博士、副教授 bw必威西汉姆联官网
时间: 5月18日 15:00—16:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
5. 路 通 博士 bw必威西汉姆联官网
报告题目:Document Analysis and Graphics Recognition: CG and CAD Developments
时间: 5月 19日 14:30—16:30 地点:浦口II-103
6.Prof. Geoff Webb Monash University,Australia
报告题目: Not so naive Bayesian classification
时间: 5月20日 14:00—15:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
7.谭学厚 教授 日本东海大学
This talk mainly consists of two parts. The first part gives a brief of review of Computational Geometry.Computational geometry emerged from the field of algorithms design and analysis in the late 1970s. The success of the field as a research discipline can be explained from the beauty of the problems studied and the solutions obtained,and by many application domains -- computer graphics,CAD/CAM, geographic information system (GIS), robotics and others-- in which geometric algorithms plays a fundamental role. Another part of the talk contributes to recent results of my research. The most new results and paradigms developed for the well-known Art Gallery, watchman route and polygon search problems will be presented. The Art Gallery problem is to find a set of point guards such that a given polygon (the planar graph of art gallery) can be monitored by guards, while the watchman route problem is to find a route of shortest le
ngth such that every interior point of the given polygon is visible from at least one point on the route. The polygon search problem is to design a search schedule for a searcher to catch or find a moving target within the given region. (The target can move arbitrarily faster than the searcher.) Much attention has recently been devoted to these problem, as they deal with not only visibility but also metric information and motion planning.
时间: 5月20日 15:20—16:20 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
8.Prof. Xining Li University of Guelph,Canada
报告题目: Security in a Mobile Agent Based DDM Infrastructure
Mobile agent technology offers a new approach to mining information from data sources distributed over the Internet. However, the potential benefits of mobile agents must be weighted against the real security threats. An agent based Distributed Data Mining (DDM) system must cope with exposed data services and insecure communication channels in the Internet to protect the privacy, integrity and availability of agents and distributed resources. In this paper, we present the design of a mobile agent infrastructure for DDM applications and discuss the implementation of security mechanism that has been effectively integrated with the mobile agent virtual machine.
时间: 5月22日 15:00—16:00 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
主持人: 陶先平教授
9.Prof. Jiawei Han Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA
报告题目: Recent Research Progress in Frequent Pattern Mining
时间: 5月23日 15:20—16:20 地点:蒙民伟楼109室
10.Prof. David Cheung The University of HongKong
报告题目: Security in Outsourcing of Association Rule Mining
时间: 5月25日 10:40—11:40 地点:蒙民伟楼109室