

应我系郭延文老师的邀请,香港中文大学 机械与自动化工程系 CHUNG, Chi Kit Ronald教授将于5月16日-17日访问我系,并于17日早10:00-11:00为大家做一场关于计算机视觉领域经典难题:三维重建方面的学术报告,介绍中文大学在该方面的研究成果,请广大同学参加。

Duration: 10:00 a.m.-11:00a.m. 17th May
Location: Room 109, MMW Science Building

Title: Structured Light-based 3D Reconstruction for Microscopic Device

A binary-light projection mechanism for 3D reconstruction is proposed.  It works on even specular object of microscopic size, like solder bumps grown on wafer for direct die-to-die bonding which are of diameter only 60-600um. While the traditional structured-light based system consists of an array of light sources and allows independent control of each unit of the illuminated pattern, our mechanism consists of only a single light source.  The light source, workingwith a binary grating, allows a binary pattern to be projected to the measure
d scene.  A camera is then used to capture image of the illuminated scene.  With this design, the mechanism has a much reduced system size that makes it particularly suitable for inspection task in the semiconductor industry; it could co-operate with the various moving parts involved in the manufacturing process and present not as hindrance to them. The illuminated pattern is varied by having the binary grating shifted in space, and in every shifting of it a separate image of the illuminated surface is taken.  This way, each position on the
illuminated surface is attached with a string of binary code over the sequence of captured images. With a suitable design of the binary grating and the shifting steps, the binary code string can be made unique for each position of the inspected surface, allowing exact correspondence between the binary pattern and image data, and subsequently 3D determination. The inspection speed of the mechanism is governed by the number of needed images which also equals the number of spatial shiftings of the binary grating. We also address how the grating, as well as its spatial shifting, can be designed optimally for minimizing this image number for faster inspection speed.

Speaker: CHUNG, Chi Kit Ronald, Professor, Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

CHUNG, Chi-kit Ronald received BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, and PhD in computer engineering from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. He had been an Integrated Circuit design engineer and an electronics engineer in industry.  He is currently with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, as Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering and the Director of the Computer Vision Laboratory.  His research interests include computer vision and robotics.  He is a senior member of IEEE of USA, a chartered engineer of the Engineering Council of UK, and a member of MENSA.  He was the Chairman of the IEEE Hong Kong ection Joint Chapter on Robotics & Automation Society and Control Systems Society over the years 2001-2003. He has also been the adjunct professor of a number of universities in mainland China, like Shanghai Jiaotong University.