Linghan Meng, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Mingliang Ma, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Hybrid mutation driven testing for natural language inference. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, accepted.
Xutong Liu, Shiran Liu, Zhaoqiang Guo, Peng Zhang, Yibiao Yang, Huihui Liu, Hongmin Lu, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou. Towards a framework for reliable performance evaluation in defect prediction. Science of Computer Programming, accepted.
Zhifei Chen, Lin Chen, Yibiao Yang, Qiong Feng, Xuansong Li, Wei Song. Risky Dynamic Typing Related Practices in Python: An Empirical Study. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, accepted.
Hao Ren, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Yulu Cao, Xiaowei Zhang, Changhai Nie. Just-in-time Identification for Cross Project Correlated Issues, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, accepted.
Yulu Cao, Zhifei Chen, Xiaowei Zhang, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Linzhang Wanga. Diagnosis of Package Installation Incompatibility via Knowledge Base. Science of Computer Programming. 235: 103098 (2024)
Yimeng Guo, Zhifei Chen, Lin Chen, Wenjie Xu, Yanhui Li, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Generating Python Type Annotations from Type Inference: How Far Are We? ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 33(5), 1-38 (2024)
Chenghao Su, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, Yuming Zhou. Static Blame for Gradual Typing. Journal of Functional Programming. 34 (2024)
Jun Wang, Yanhui Li, Zhifei Chen, Lin Chen, Xiaofang Zhang, Yuming Zhou. Knowledge Graph Driven Inference Testing for Question Answering Software. The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024), 119:1-119:13.
Peng Zhang, Yang Wang, Xutong Liu, Zeyu Lu, Yibiao Yang, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Ziyuan Wang, Chang-ai Sun, Xiao Yu, Yuming Zhou. Assessing effectiveness of test suites: what do we know and what should we do?. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 33(4): 86:1-86:32 (2024)
Hao Ren, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou, Changhai Nie. Why and how bug blocking relations are breakable: An empirical study on breakable blocking bugs. Inf. Softw. Technol. 166: 107354 (2024).
Zhaoqiang Guo, Shiran Liu, Xutong Liu, Wei Lai, Mingliang Ma, Xu Zhang, Chao Ni, Yibiao Yang, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Guoqiang Zhou, Yuming Zhou. “Code-line-level Bugginess Identification: How Far have We Come, and How Far have We Yet to Go?” ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 32(4): 102:1-102:55 (2023).
Xiaowei Zhang, Weiqin Zou, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, Yuming Zhou. Towards the Analysis and Completion of Syntactic Structure Ellipsis for Inline Comments. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 49(4): 2285-2302 (2023).
Yulu Cao, Lin Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Yanhui Li, Yuming Zhou, Linzhang Wang. Towards Better Dependency Management: A First Look at Dependency Smells in Python Projects. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 49(4): 1741-1765 (2023).
Jun Wang, Yanhui Li, Xiang Huang, Lin Chen, Xiaofang Zhang, Yuming Zhou. Back Deduction Based Testing for Word Sense Disambiguation Ability of Machine Translation Systems. ISSTA 2023: 601-613.
Wenjie Xu, Lin Chen, Chenghao Su, Yimeng Guo, Yanhui Li, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. How Well Static Type Checkers Work with Gradual Typing? A Case Study on Python. ICPC 2023: 242-253.
Ju Qian, Yingwei Ma, Chenghao Lin, Lin Chen. Accelerating OCR-Based Widget Localization for Test Automation of GUI Applications. ASE 2022: 6:1-6:13
Peng Zhang, Yanhui Li, Wanwangying Ma, Yibiao Yang, Lin Chen, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. CBUA: A Probabilistic, Predictive, and Practical Approach for Evaluating Test Suite Effectiveness. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 48(3): 1067-1096 (2022)
Peng Zhang, Yang Wang, Xutong Liu, Yanhui Li, Yibiao Yang, Ziyuan Wang, Xiaoyu Zhou, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou. Mutant Reduction Evaluation: What is There and What is Missing? ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 31(4): 69:1-69:46 (2022)
Yanhui Li, Linghan Meng, Lin Chen, Li Yu, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Training Data Debugging for the Fairness of Machine Learning Software. ICSE 2022: 2215-2227
Yanhui Li, Weijun Shen, Tengchao Wu, Lin Chen, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. How higher order mutant testing performs for deep learning models: A fine-grained evaluation of test effectiveness and efficiency improved from second-order mutant-classification tuples. Inf. Softw. Technol. 150: 106954 (2022)
Zhifei Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Wei Song. Collaboration in software ecosystems: A study of work groups in open environment. Inf. Softw. Technol. 145: 106849 (2022)
Jun Wang, Xiaofang Zhang, Lin Chen, Xiaoyuan Xie. Personalizing label prediction for GitHub issues. Inf. Softw. Technol. 145: 106845 (2022)
Ziyuan Wang, Dexin Bu, Aiyue Sun, Shanyi Gou, Yong Wang, Lin Chen. An Empirical Study on Bugs in Python Interpreters. IEEE Trans. Reliab. 71(2): 716-734 (2022)
Zhaoqiang Guo, Shiran Liu, Jinping Liu, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou. How Far Have We Progressed in Identifying Self-admitted Technical Debts? A Comprehensive Empirical Study. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 30(4): 45:1-45:56 (2021)
Linghan Meng, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Zhi Wang, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu. Measuring Discrimination to Boost Comparative Testing for Multiple Deep Learning Models. ICSE 2021: 385-396
Henghui Zhao, Yanhui Li, Fanwei Liu, Xiaoyuan Xie, and Lin Chen. “State and tendency: an empirical study of deep learning question&answer topics on Stack Overflow.” Sci. China Inf. Sci. 64(11) (2021).
Shiran Liu, Zhaoqiang Guo, Yanhui Li, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Lei Xu, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Prioritizing code documentation effort: Can we do it simpler but better?” Inf. Softw. Technol. 140: 106686 (2021).
Xiaoyuan Xie, Haolin Yang, Qiang He, and Lin Chen. “Towards Understanding Tool-chain Bugs in the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure.” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), pp. 1-11. IEEE, 2021.
Lin Chen, Di Wu, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, and Hareton Leung. “How C++ templates are used for generic programming: an empirical study on 50 open source systems.” ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 29(1): 3:1-3:49 (2020).
Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Yang Feng, Zhaogui Xu, Zhifei Chen, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Impact analysis of cross-project bugs on software ecosystems.” In 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020), pp. 100-111. IEEE, 2020.
Ju Qian, Zhengyu Shang, Shuoyan Yan, Yan Wang, and Lin Chen. “Roscript: a visual script driven truly non-intrusive robotic testing system for touch screen applications.” In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2020), pp. 297-308. 2020.
Songqiang Chen, Xiaoyuan Xie, Bangguo Yin, Yuanxiang Ji, Lin Chen, and Baowen Xu. “Stay professional and efficient: Automatically generate titles for your bug reports.” In 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2020), pp. 385-397. IEEE, 2020.
Weijun Shen, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Yuanlei Han, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Multiple-boundary clustering and prioritization to promote neural network retraining.” In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2020), pp. 410-422. 2020.
Chuanqi Wang, Yanhui Li, Lin Chen, Wenchin Huang, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Examining the effects of developer familiarity on bug fixing.” J. Syst. Softw. 169: 110667 (2020).
Weijun Shen, Yanhui Li, Yuanlei Han, Lin Chen, Di Wu, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Boundary sampling to boost mutation testing for deep learning models.” Inf. Softw. Technol. 130: 106413 (2021).
Zhifei Chen, Yanhui Li, Bihuan Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, and Baowen Xu. “An empirical study on dynamic typing related practices in python systems.” In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension, pp. 83-93. 2020.
Hao Ren, Yanhui Li, and Lin Chen. “An empirical study on critical blocking bugs.” In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Program Comprehension, pp. 72-82. 2020.
Zhaoqiang Guo, Yanhui Li, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, and Baowen Xu. “Boosting crash-inducing change localization with rank-performance-based feature subset selection.” Empir. Softw. Eng. 25(3): 1905-1950 (2020).
Yuming Zhou, Yibiao Yang, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, Yangyang Zhao, Junyan Qian, and Baowen Xu. “How far we have progressed in the journey? an examination of cross-project defect prediction.” ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 27(1): 1:1-1:51 (2018).
Zhifei Chen, Bihuan Chen, Lu Xiao, Xiao Wang, Lin Chen, Yang Liu, and Baowen Xu. “Speedoo: prioritizing performance optimization opportunities.” In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2018), pp. 811-821. 2018.
Zhifei Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Wei Lin, Lin Chen, Yanhui Li, and Baowen Xu. “A study on the changes of dynamic feature code when fixing bugs: towards the benefits and costs of Python dynamic features.” Sci. China Inf. Sci. 61(1): 012107:1-012107:18 (2018).
Zhifei Chen, Lin Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Xiaoyu Zhou, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Understanding metric-based detectable smells in Python software: A comparative study.” Inf. Softw. Technol. 94: 14-29 (2018).
Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “How do developers fix cross-project correlated bugs? a case study on the github scientific python ecosystem.” In 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017), pp. 381-392. IEEE, 2017.
Zhaogui Xu, Xiangyu Zhang, Lin Chen, Kexin Pei, and Baowen Xu. “Python probabilistic type inference with natural language support.” In Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on foundations of software engineering (FSE 2016), pp. 607-618. 2016.
Lin Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Yuming Zhou, Lei Xu, Ziyuan Wang, Zhifei Chen, and Baowen Xu. “Empirical analysis of network measures for predicting high severity software faults.” Sci. China Inf. Sci. 59(12): 122901:1-122901:18 (2016).
Wei Lin, Zhifei Chen, Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Lei Xu, and Baowen Xu. “An empirical study on the characteristics of Python fine-grained source code change types.” In 2016 IEEE international conference on software maintenance and evolution (ICSME), pp. 188-199. IEEE, 2016.
Wanwangying Ma, Lin Chen, Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “Empirical analysis of network measures for effort-aware fault-proneness prediction.” Inf. Softw. Technol. 69: 50-70 (2016).
Di Wu, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “An extensive empirical study on C++ concurrency constructs.” Inf. Softw. Technol. 76: 1-18 (2016).
Before 2016
Yibiao Yang, Yuming Zhou, Hongmin Lu, Lin Chen, Zhenyu Chen, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, and Zhenyu Zhang. “Are slice-based cohesion metrics actually useful in effort-aware post-release fault-proneness prediction? An empirical study.” IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 41(4): 331-357 (2015).
Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, and Lin Chen. “An in-depth study of the potentially confounding effect of class size in fault prediction.” ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 23(1): 10:1-10:51 (2014).
Lin Chen, Ju Qian, YuMing Zhou, Peng Wang, and BaoWen Xu. “Identifying extract class refactoring opportunities for internetware.” Sci. China Inf. Sci. 57(7): 1-18 (2014).
Ju Qian, Lin Chen, and Baowen Xu. “Finding shrink critical section refactoring opportunities for the evolution of concurrent code in trustworthy software.” Sci. China Inf. Sci. 56(1): 1-20 (2013).
Hongmin Lu, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Hareton Leung, and Lin Chen. “The ability of object-oriented metrics to predict change-proneness: a meta-analysis.” Empir. Softw. Eng. 17(3): 200-242 (2012).
Di Wu, Lin Chen, Yuming Zhou, and Baowen Xu. “An empirical study on C++ concurrency constructs.” In 2015 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), pp. 1-10. IEEE, 2015.