[06/02/2017] Deadline for submitting the final paper: June 22.
[05/19/2017] TA made further updates to the project files (to support higher-order functions).
Please check the new zip file. Also please check the TA's homepage
for any news about the project.
[05/12/2017] Some further clarification made by the TA.
[05/08/2017] TA made some further updates.
Please check the new zip file.
[05/04/2017] Some minor updates made to the concrete syntax of the toy language in the programming project.
Please download the new zip file.
[05/02/2017] Programming project posted.
[03/29/2017] Assignment 4 posted.
[03/15/2017] Assignment 3 posted.
[03/08/2017] The page where TA make announcements.