The raw Stack Overflow and Mathematics Stack Exchange data are available at For the feature files, please contact the first author at The following is the matlab code for LIP-KIM, LIP-KIMA, and LIP-KIMAA. If there's any problem about the code, feel free to contact the first author. ======================================================================== function LIP_KIM(Q,A,M,k_init,k_inc,k_test,eta,lambda) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Q and A are the feature matrices for questions and answers with normalized scores/labels in the first column % M is the association matrix % k_init is the initial size of training set (percentage) % k_inc is the incremental size of data (percentage) % k_test is the size of test set (percentage) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nq = size(Q,1); na = size(A,1); Q = [Q ones(nq,1)]; A = [A ones(na,1)]; f = size(Q,2); fprintf('nq na: %d %d \n', nq, na); k_init = floor(k_init * nq); k_inc = floor(k_inc * nq); k_test = floor(k_test * nq); % test set Mtest = M((nq-k_test):nq,:); [Itest,Jtest] = find(Mtest); Qtest = Q((nq-k_test):nq,2:f); Atest = A(Jtest,2:f); Utest = full(Q((nq-k_test):nq,1)); Vtest = full(A(Jtest,1)); Mt = M(1:k_init,:); [It,Jt] = find(Mt); Mt = Mt(:,Jt); Qt = Q(1:k_init,2:f); At = A(Jt,2:f); Ut = full(Q(1:k_init,1)); Vt = full(A(Jt,1)); KAt = full(Kernelize(Qt)); KBt = full(Kernelize(At)); base_q = k_init; base_a = size(Mt,2); fprintf('inc-rmse_q inc-rmse_a \n'); St = inv([(eta+1)*KAt+lambda*speye(base_q), -eta*Mt*KBt; -eta*Mt'*KAt, KBt+eta*(Mt'*Mt)*KBt+lambda*speye(base_a)]); thetat_0 = St * ([Ut; Vt]); KAtest = full(KernelizeTest(Qtest,Qt)); KBtest = full(KernelizeTest(Atest,At)); test_q_label_predict = KAtest * thetat_0(1:base_q); test_a_label_predict = KBtest * thetat_0(base_q+1:base_q+base_a); rmse_q = sqrt(norm(Utest - test_q_label_predict)^2 / size(test_q_label_predict,1)); rmse_a = sqrt(norm(Vtest - test_a_label_predict)^2 / size(test_a_label_predict,1)); fprintf('%0.4f %0.4f \n', rmse_q, rmse_a); inc_q = k_inc; iter = 0; maxiter = 1000; while base_q < (nq-k_test) && iter < maxiter mt = M((base_q+1):(base_q+inc_q),:); [Ii,Ji] = find(mt); mt = mt(:,Ji); inc_a = size(mt,2); qt = Q((base_q+1):(base_q+inc_q),2:f); at = A(Ji,2:f); ut = full(Q((base_q+1):(base_q+inc_q),1)); vt = full(A(Ji,1)); kat = KernelizeTest(qt,Qt); kat=kat'; katt = KernelizeTest(at,At); kbt = Kernelize(qt,qt); kbt = kbt'; kbtt = Kernelize(at,at); X = [(eta+1)*kat -eta*(Mt*kbt); -eta*(Mt'*kat) kbt+eta*(Mt'*(Mt*kbt))]; Y = [(eta+1)*kat' -eta*mt*kbt'; -eta*mt'*kat' kbt'+eta*(mt'*mt)*kbt']; Z = [(eta+1)*katt+lambda*speye(inc_q) -eta*mt*kbtt; -eta*mt'*katt kbtt+eta*(mt'*mt)*kbtt+lambda*speye(inc_a)]; QQ = inv(Z-Y*St*X); thetat = [thetat_0 + St*(X*(QQ*(Y*thetat_0-[ut;vt]))); -inv(Z)*(Y*(thetat_0+St*(X*(QQ*(Y*thetat_0))))) + QQ*[ut;vt]]; thetat = [thetat(1:base_q,:); thetat(base_q+base_a+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q,:); thetat(base_q+1:base_q+base_a,:); thetat(base_q+base_a+inc_q+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q+inc_a,:)]; [m,n] = size(Mt); [mm,nn] = size(mt); [Im,Jm,Vm] = find(Mt); [Imm,Jmm,Vmm] = find(mt); Imm = Imm + m; Jmm = Jmm + n; Mt = sparse([Im;Imm],[Jm;Jmm],[Vm;Vmm],m+mm,n+nn); Qt = [Qt;qt]; At = [At;at]; % accuacy on test set KAtest = full(KernelizeTest(Qtest,Qt)); KBtest = full(KernelizeTest(Atest,At)); test_q_label_predict = KAtest * thetat(1:base_q+inc_q); test_a_label_predict = KBtest * thetat(base_q+inc_q+1:base_q+inc_q+base_a+inc_a); rmse_q = sqrt(norm(Utest_con - test_q_label_predict)^2 / size(test_q_label_predict,1)); rmse_a = sqrt(norm(Vtest_con - test_a_label_predict)^2 / size(test_a_label_predict,1)); fprintf('%0.4f %0.4f ', rmse_q, rmse_a); % update St = [St + temp_inv*Y*St -temp_inv; -inv(Z)*Y*(St+temp_inv*Y*St) QQ]; temp_this = St*X*QQ; St = [St + temp_this*(Y*St) -temp_this; -inv(Z)*Y*St-inv(Z)*Y*temp_this*Y*St QQ]; St = [St(1:base_q,:); St(base_q+base_a+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q,:); St(base_q+1:base_q+base_a,:); St(base_q+base_a+inc_q+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q+inc_a,:)]; St = [St(:,1:base_q) St(:,base_q+base_a+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q) St(:,base_q+1:base_q+base_a) St(:,base_q+base_a+inc_q+1:base_q+base_a+inc_q+inc_a)]; thetat_0 = thetat; iter = iter + 1; base_q = base_q+inc_q; base_a = base_a+inc_a; end end ======================================================================== function LIP_KIMA(Q,A,M,k_init,k_inc,k_test,eta,lambda,dim) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Q and A are the feature matrices for questions and answers with normalized scores/labels in the first column % M is the association matrix % k_init is the initial size of training set (percentage) % k_inc is the incremental size of data (percentage) % k_test is the size of test set (percentage) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nq = size(Q,1); na = size(A,1); Q = [Q ones(nq,1)]; A = [A ones(na,1)]; f = size(Q,2); fprintf('nq na: %d %d \n', nq, na); k_init = floor(k_init * nq); k_inc = floor(k_inc * nq); k_test = floor(k_test * nq); % test set Mtest = M((nq-k_test):nq,:); [Itest,Jtest] = find(Mtest); Qtest = Q((nq-k_test):nq,2:f); Atest = A(Jtest,2:f); Utest = full(Q((nq-k_test):nq,1)); Vtest = full(A(Jtest,1)); Mt = M(1:k_init,:); [It,Jt] = find(Mt); Mt = Mt(:,Jt); Qt = Q(1:k_init,2:f); At = A(Jt,2:f); Ut = full(Q(1:k_init,1)); Vt = full(A(Jt,1)); KAt = full(Kernelize(Qt)); KBt = full(Kernelize(At)); base_q = k_init; base_a = size(Mt,2); fprintf('inc-rmse_q inc-rmse_a \n'); [Lq,Dq] = eigs(KAt,dim); [La,Da] = eigs(KBt,dim); L = [Lq, zeros(base_q,dim); zeros(base_a,dim), La]; D1=diag(Dq); D2=diag(Da); D = spdiags([D1;D2],0,dim*2,dim*2); ML2 = Mt*La; GL = [Lq, -ML2; -Mt'*Lq, Mt'*ML2]; X = [L, eta*GL]; DL = D*L'; Y = [DL; DL]; thetat_0 = 1/lambda*([Ut;Vt] - X*(inv(lambda*eye(4*dim)+Y*X)*(Y*[Ut;Vt]))); KAtest = full(KernelizeTest(Qtest,Qt)); KBtest = full(KernelizeTest(Atest,At)); test_q_label_predict = KAtest * thetat_0(1:base_q); test_a_label_predict = KBtest * thetat_0(base_q+1:base_q+base_a); rmse_q = sqrt(norm(Utest - test_q_label_predict)^2 / size(test_q_label_predict,1)); rmse_a = sqrt(norm(Vtest - test_a_label_predict)^2 / size(test_a_label_predict,1)); fprintf('%0.4f %0.4f \n', rmse_q, rmse_a); maxiter = 1000; inc_q = k_inc; iter = 0; while base_q < (nq-k_test) && iter < maxiter mt = M((base_q+1):(base_q+inc_q),:); [Ii,Ji] = find(mt); mt = mt(:,Ji); inc_a = size(mt,2); qt = Q(base_q+1:base_q+inc_q,2:f); at = A(Ji,2:f); ut = Q(base_q+1:base_q+inc_q,1); vt = A(Ji,1); kat = KernelizeTest(qt,Qt); kbt = KernelizeTest(at,At); Dinvq = inv(Dq); Dinva = inv(Da); [m,n] = size(Mt); [mm,nn] = size(mt); [Im,Jm,Vm] = find(Mt); [Imm,Jmm,Vmm] = find(mt); Imm = Imm + m; Jmm = Jmm + n; Mt = sparse([Im;Imm],[Jm;Jmm],[Vm;Vmm],m+mm,n+nn); Xq = [Lq; kat*Lq*Dinvq]; [Wq,Lqq,Pq] = svds(Xq,dim); temp_this = Lqq*Pq'*Dq*Pq*Lqq'; [Yq,Dqq] = eig(temp_this); WYq = Wq*Yq; Xa = [La; kbt*La*Dinva]; [Wa,Laa,Pa] = svds(Xa,dim); temp_this = Laa*Pa'*Da*Pa*Laa'; [Ya,Daa] = eig(temp_this); WYa = Wa*Ya; WY = [WYq, zeros(base_q+inc_q,dim); zeros(base_a+inc_a,dim), WYa]; D1=diag(Dqq); D2=diag(Daa); D = spdiags([D1;D2],0,dim*2,dim*2); ML2 = Mt*WYa; GW = [WYq, -ML2; -Mt'*WYq, Mt'*ML2]; X = [WY, eta*GW]; DW = D*WY'; Y = [DW; DW]; thetat2 = 1/lambda*([Ut;ut;Vt;vt] - X*(inv(lambda*eye(4*dim)+Y*X)*(Y*[Ut;ut;Vt;vt]))); Qt = [Qt; qt]; At = [At; at]; Ut = [Ut; ut]; Vt = [Vt; vt]; KAtest = full(KernelizeTest(Qtest,Qt)); KBtest = full(KernelizeTest(Atest,At)); test_q_label_predict = KAtest * thetat2(1:base_q+inc_q); test_a_label_predict = KBtest * thetat2(base_q+inc_q+1:base_q+inc_q+base_a+inc_a); rmse_q = sqrt(norm(Utest - test_q_label_predict)^2 / size(test_q_label_predict,1)); rmse_a = sqrt(norm(Vtest - test_a_label_predict)^2 / size(test_a_label_predict,1)); fprintf('%0.4f %0.4f \n', rmse_q, rmse_a); Lq = WYq; Dq = Dqq; La = WYa; Da = Daa; iter = iter + 1; base_q = base_q+inc_q; base_a = base_a+inc_a; end end ======================================================================== function LIP_KIMAA(Q,A,M,k_init,k_inc,k_test,eta,lambda,dim,threshq,thresha) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Q and A are the feature matrices for questions and answers with normalized scores/labels in the first column % M is the association matrix % k_init is the initial size of training set (percentage) % k_inc is the incremental size of data (percentage) % k_test is the size of test set (percentage) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nq = size(Q,1); na = size(A,1); Q = [Q ones(nq,1)]; A = [A ones(na,1)]; f = size(Q,2); fprintf('nq na: %d %d \n', nq, na); k_init = floor(k_init * nq); k_inc = floor(k_inc * nq); k_test = floor(k_test * nq); % test set Mtest = M((nq-k_test):nq,:); [Itest,Jtest] = find(Mtest); Qtest = Q((nq-k_test):nq,2:f); Atest = A(Jtest,2:f); Utest = full(Q((nq-k_test):nq,1)); Vtest = full(A(Jtest,1)); Mt = M(1:k_init,:); [It,Jt] = find(Mt); Mt = Mt(:,Jt); Qt = Q(1:k_init,2:f); At = A(Jt,2:f); Ut = full(Q(1:k_init,1)); Vt = full(A(Jt,1)); KAt = full(Kernelize(Qt)); KBt = full(Kernelize(At)); base_q = k_init; base_a = size(Mt,2); fprintf('inc-rmse_q inc-rmse_a \n'); [Lq,Dq] = eigs(KAt,dim); [La,Da] = eigs(KBt,dim); L = [Lq, zeros(base_q,dim); zeros(base_a,dim), La]; D1=diag(Dq); D2=diag(Da); D = spdiags([D1;D2],0,dim*2,dim*2); ML2 = Mt*La; GL = [Lq, -ML2; -Mt'*Lq, Mt'*ML2]; X = [L, eta*GL]; DL = D*L'; Y = [DL; DL]; thetat_0 = 1/lambda*([Ut;Vt] - X*(inv(lambda*eye(4*dim)+Y*X)*(Y*[Ut;Vt]))); KAtest = KernelizeTest(Qtest,Qt); KBtest = KernelizeTest(Atest,At); test_q_label_predict = KAtest * thetat_0(1:base_q); test_a_label_predict = KBtest * thetat_0(base_q+1:base_q+base_a); rmse_q = sqrt(norm(Utest - test_q_label_predict)^2 / size(test_q_label_predict,1)); rmse_a = sqrt(norm(Vtest - test_a_label_predict)^2 / size(test_a_label_predict,1)); fprintf('%0.4f %0.4f \n', rmse_q, rmse_a); base_qq = base_q; base_aa = base_a; inc_q = k_inc; iter = 0; maxiter = 1000; while iter < maxiter mt = M((base_q+1):(base_q+inc_q),:); [Ii,Ji] = find(mt); mt = mt(:,Ji); inc_a = size(mt,2); qt = Q(base_q+1:base_q+inc_q,2:f); at = A(Ji,2:f); ut = Q(base_q+1:base_q+inc_q,1); vt = A(Ji,1); kat = KernelizeTest(qt,Qt); kbt = KernelizeTest(at,At); Dinvq = inv(Dq); Dinva = inv(Da); %threshq = rmse_q; %thresha = rmse_a; test_q_label_predict = kat * thetat_0(1:base_qq); dif = abs(test_q_label_predict - ut); [I1] = (dif>threshq); [I11] = (difthresha); [I11] = (dif